CPF Generator


Use the CPF generator to create a valid CPF number, according with module 11 algorithm.

What is CPF?

The cadastro de pessoas físicas (CPF; Portuguese for natural person register) is the brazilian individual taxpayer registry identification, a number attributed by the brazilian federal revenue to both brazilians and resident aliens who pay taxes or take part.

When emitted, the CPF generate a number with eleven digit, the last two digit being verifiers to avoid typing errors. The CPF is an unique number for each taxpay even in case of loss of de card. (wikipedia)

Generation an Validation of CPF

The CPF generator uses the module 11 algorithm to calculate the last two digits of the CPF, called verifier digits. They are the ones thas give the basic authenticity for pass on validation of application forms in development.

Using the tool

This tool was developed for programmers and testers who have the constant need to enter different CPF numbers in developing forms.